Sunday, September 10, 2006
Previous Posts
- ReViEw FrOm...RoTtEn ToMaToEs..."Some are still-bo...
- Theories/Theorists Relevant To My Study:Laura Mulv...
- Social Context: Helps show change taking place in ...
- Ideology and Values: Female Protagnist: usually we...
- Narrative:"Its time to settle the score"The narra...
- Audience:Primary Audience/Target Audience: Teenag...
- Representation:"Guys are better at this, it's not...
- Genre:"She's the man" is classed under a Comedy. ...
- Institution:Lakeshore Entertainment and Dreamwork...
- Media Language:Film starts at the Beach, everyone ...
hey Aninash, great blog
1. I like the pichures you have added, makes the blog lok colourful
2. You have very detailed research and seems like you know wot ur doing
3. The font is wiked. The colours are also nice make the blog more attractice well done
4. To improve you cud talk more about other texts that u are going to use for ur independent study, apart from that well done
Heena xxx
hello aviiiiiii
-You've got loads of detailed migrain notes, which will be useful as there soo looong.
-You got loads and loads of research.
-Your blog overall looks wicked chick.
-Well one thing to improve would be, you could talk more about the theorists and how they are usefull to your question.
Keep Up The W0rk!
hellllllo avinashh....ur blog is reali jam packed wiv info...uv got a trailor on ere too which helps us to understnad ur chosen text a bit more, i think u should talk more about other texts tht you can compare wiv ur chosen one but i need to do tht too soo hey dw lyk the blog overall tho tc mwah xXx
nice blog, very detailed there's loooads of good research here. also very colourful and you've looked at migrain in detail. good to have the trailer too. i was thinking maybe you could say 'how' the theorists/theories relate.
ps. aaalso there was a new episode of the simpsons today that was narratively like 'she's the man', i think, so maybe that could help as a reference...? :-)
Hello Avinash
The research you included is very good and interesting.
The trailers that you have added are excellent as you can see how the try to advertise the film
The MIGRAIN is very detailed and makes to easier in the long run.
You could add some research on teen chick flicks, as you are looking at that specific genre.
Well Done
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