Sunday, November 26, 2006

How Is Laura Mulvey's Theory Relavant to Mine:
She's the man tries to challenge sterotypes by presenting a female in role reversal e.g. by presenting the female to play football, the female is taking on what is usually assosciated with men.
Laura Mulvey's theory is key to my study,as it shows how the other females in the film are objectified and are a subject of the male gaze. We therefore, as an audience are positioned to view the females from a males perspective.
On the other hand, Viola who is the main character creates anxiety for the males as she is taking on role reversal by playing football and acting as a male. Resulting in there being a penis envy amongst this character due to her taking on male characterisitics.
The football can be seen as a feitish or phallic symbol and a sense of dominance amongst the men. We therefore, as an auidence are caused to identify with Viola as she is forced to take upon this symbol to gain dominance.
Within the film we see voyerism by Viola towards Sebastian whilst she is dressed as a man. What is known as a male gaze, could now be seen as a female gaze.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

1) Eva Longoria's Pepsi Advert:

She is objectfied, as she is dancing in the rain, and there is more men in the street the women. Men are looking at her and she is wearing a short and skimpy dress. In addition, she is very skinny, which is typical in a advert like this.

This advert shows a woman in control, driving a car really fast. She is shown in control and dominant in the advert.

Just another advert i found intersting which objectfies females as they are all wearing revealing clothes whilst working etc. And they are all doing this to please and satsify the men.

This shows a female in a typical role, as a housewife.
..SeLf EvAlUaTiOn..
Attainment: 1 ..i understand everything so far and i usually get everything done to the best of my ability.
Effort: 2..could put more effort into lessons..but i do try.
Punchality: 1..I'm always on time to lessons, and I'm always usually in lessons.
Submission and Quality Of Homework: 1..most of the time i always give my homework in on time. And i always try to complete it to the best of my ability.
Ability To Work Independently: 2..the independent study has proved to me i can just as well independently as i can in a group.
Quality Of Writing: 2..i write everything that is relvant on my blog. and i write things from my point of view as well.
Organisation Of Media Folder: 2..could be better..even though all the sheets are in the folder i feel i could sort it out better.
Oral Contributions: Gary's lessons..i contribute more..and laugh more too. In Adams if i know the answer i say it..I feel i contribute more than last year.
Standard Of Module 5 Blog: 1..I like my blog, i feel i have put a lot of time and effort into it, however, i could do more.
Standard Of Module 6 Blog: 1..its always up to date..and i usually get everything done. Its in order and clear.
b) Three Targets For Improvment:
>Make more time for my blog, so i can add stuff which i have found in my own time on it.
>Put more effort into the lessons.