Monday, October 30, 2006

...Bo0k Research...
1) Macdonald, Myra (2003): Representing Women. Great Britain, Edward Arnold.
2) Neale, Steve (2003): Genre and Hollywood. USA and Canada, Routledge.
3) Prothrow, Deborah et al (2005): Sugar and Spice and no longer Nice.
4) Clark, Vivienne et al (2002): Key Concepts and Skills for Media Studies.
5) Wood, W, Gray Dr. (2005) : Sex, Lies and Stereotypes.
6) McDonald, Ian (1989): Vindication-A Postcard History of the Women's Movement.
7) Murphy, F. Peter (2004): Feminism and Masculinities.
8) Hill, Anne. Watson, James (2003): Dictioniary of Media and Communication Studies.
9) Ross, Mandy (2002): The changing roles of Women.
10) Hollows, Joanne (2000): Feminism, Feminity and Popular.

Friday, October 13, 2006

..Self-Directed Research..
Laura Mulvey Research
Queer Theory
Trailer From YouTube
Review From Rotten Tomatoes
Feminism in S.H.E.P
Research On DreamWorks For Insitution
Other Texts Which I Can Refer To:
Kill Bill
Mean Girls
Clueless 10 Things I Hate
About You
Cross Dressing

....Blog Buddies...
Blog Buddy From My Class Is:
Is looking at "John Tucker Must Die" And how the represenation of females has changed in chick flicks. This links to my study as i personally feel my chosen text falls under the catergory of chick flicks. In addition, i am also looking at the representation of females and how it has changed from the historical one.
>Areas Of Overlap<
-Both referring to similar texts e.g. Mean Girls-
-Both looking at the representation of females-
-Both mainstream Hollywood films-

It has been useful looking at Navdeep's blog as she talks about Women's independence. Which can be linked to my study as my focus is women too. In addition, she also talks about feminism which i can link to my study as one of my main theories will be feminism.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

....Blog Buddies...

Blog Buddy From The Other Class Is:
Is looking at "Crash" Even though she is paying close attention to the social issues, she felt that *Representation Of Women* was a social issue of which she would be paying close attention to

-Both paying close attention to the representation of women in film-
-Both showing how men have a leading role in film use to/still do-
-Mostly looking at certain things in film and how they have changed, as she is looking at hoe "Crash" is typical in a sense and how it is challenging-

It has been useful looking at Harveen's blog as she has provided information about how different groups in society are represented. Even though it is hard to link my blog to Harveen's, i feel we can link the women aspect of the film.

Another Ten Keywords Related to My Study:

*Ambient Sound*: The natural sound present in any location. This links to my study, as there is a lot of natural sound in my chosen text, e.g. cars passing etc. It will be helpful for me to use this keyword when talking about sound in my text.

*Big Ten*: The Ten major Hollywood Film Studios-One of them being "DreamWorks" This links to my study as one of the big ten is the insitution for my Text.

*Connotation*: A meaning attribubate to an image beyond the obvious denotational level.
There is a lot of connotations in my chosen text. e.g. the football which is always seen can be seen as one of them.

*Cross Genre*: More than one genre-hybrid. Personally, I feel my text consists of more than one genre, e.g. chick film and comedy.

*DreamWorks*: Founded by Steven Spielberg etc in 1994. I will be researching more into this insitutition, as it is the insitituion for my text.

*Sexism*: Representation that discriminate on the basis of sex, especially aganist women.
This is a keyword to my study, as i will be investigating how women's roles have changed, this directly links to sexism as it shows how women were/probaly still are being discriminated.
*Subjective Shot*: A type of shot in which the camera is postioned as if looking at the world through the subject's eyes. We seen this type of shot take place a number of times in "She's the man" due to the narrative being from Viola's point of view.
*Stereotype*: The social classification of a group of people by identifying common characteristics and universally applying them in an often oversimplified and generalised way. This links to my study, as i will be talking about the typical stereotype of women in historical text and society. And then i will be comparing it to other stereotypes.
*Teen Movie*: A film directed at a target audience of teenagers and addressing specfic teenage interests. I feel "She's the man" can be seen under this genre. Due to the target auidence and the issues of which are addressed in this film can be linked to the keyword.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Textual Analysis Of She's The Man
Media Language:
Scene starts with Viola the Protagnist walking to her house. She is listening to music on her headphones of which has been turned into an overall soundtrack in that scene, encourging us to identify with her. On the other hand, Monique is blocked out and we are encourged to alienate her as we are positioned in Viola's shoes. The lighting is natural light as at the start of the scene, it is shot outside. As we develop into the scene, the lighting is still natural. The sound on this part of the scene, is mainly the sound from the headphones. Which is diegetic sound, and the dialogue heard it also diegetic as it is all within the scene. Moving on, the editing mainly consists of cuts. We also see a cross-cutting between the mother and daughter. Cuts are fast and effective, encourging the narrative to move along faster. The semiotics in this scene are the football which Viola is holding. This challenging stereotypes as footballs are mainly assossicated with men. On the other hand, Monique carries a handbag, sunglasses etc. Representing her feminity and it shows how she is encourging stereotypes as she is wearing what is typically seen to be assossciated with women. The mise-en-scene in this scene is, facial expressions. When Viola is talking to Monique we see the sarcasm on her face, expressing how she doesn't really like Monique and doesn't want to talk to her. This reinforcing her feminity, as it shows girls being bitchy towards one another. The clothing is very different with the two girls even though they are the same gender there dress sense is different. For example, Viola is wearing a hat, hoodie and jeans. Whereas, Monique is wearing a pink top, sunglasses and holding a bag. The cinematography in this scene is essential. As we get a POV shot from Viola's point of view as she is walking into the house, this again encourging the auidence to identify with Viola and to position themseleves with her. We also get a zoom into her mother face when Viola tells her mother she does not want to wear a dress, which again challenges stereotypes. We also get a over the shoulder shot, when Monique is running up to Viola thinking she is Sebastian. [Her Brother]
Dreamworks: American Company representing American Values. The promotional methods consist of, trailers mainly. At the start of the trailer we see the DreamWorks logo appear. This staright away shows that a big well known and mainstream company is producing this film. Encourging audiences to watch the trailer as the company suggests the film will be good. The production is Hollywood, and the disturbution is mainstream, multiplex cinema.
In my view, it is a hybrid genre, as i feel it is a chick flick as well as a comedy. The icongraphy is the football, which is essential throughout the whole film. The setting is the Viola's house, to make us get familiar with the surroundings. Film genre's consist of, comedy, chick film and teen movie.
Ethnicity-white characters mainly. Stereotypes-reinforced by Monique but challenged by Viola. Due to clothing and image. It is postive in a sense that it is an American film, as the majority of the population in America is white. We see the brother being represented as a typical rebel, by going to London for two weeks and not telling his mother. The mother is typical, by wanting her daughter to take part in a feminine beauty contest. The only character which is not typical is Viola, as her sense of sport, hobbies, and image are very different from the other girls in the movie.
The primary audience consists of teenage girls due to the representation being challenged. The secondary audience can be males, due to Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory. And other auidence can be either the fans of the genre, or fans of the characters in the film.
Close Narrative. Exposition: Foreshadowing what Viola might do, as her brother wants her to cover for him at school whereas, her mother says "You Might As Well Be Your Brother!" This all foreshadows that she will turn into her brother. Linking to Twelfth Night. It is a linear narrative, as there is no flashbacks and it is in chronological order. For narrative structure we can link it to Todorov, however in this seen we see a equlibrum and a build up to the diequilibrum as Viola is going to turn into her brother. We know this will have certain negative effects. We can interpret the resoultion in two ways, one being there isn't one yet as she is only turning into her brother at this point. Whereas, another being that she is able to challenge stereotypes through her brothers image, helping her to play football. With narrative roles we can link it to Propp, as we see Viola as the protagnist and as the hero to a certain extent. Lastly, with narrative themes, we can use binary opposition, [Levi Strauss] in this scene between Monique and Viola. As their seperate representations are juxaposed at the start of the scene.