Sunday, November 12, 2006

..SeLf EvAlUaTiOn..
Attainment: 1 ..i understand everything so far and i usually get everything done to the best of my ability.
Effort: 2..could put more effort into lessons..but i do try.
Punchality: 1..I'm always on time to lessons, and I'm always usually in lessons.
Submission and Quality Of Homework: 1..most of the time i always give my homework in on time. And i always try to complete it to the best of my ability.
Ability To Work Independently: 2..the independent study has proved to me i can just as well independently as i can in a group.
Quality Of Writing: 2..i write everything that is relvant on my blog. and i write things from my point of view as well.
Organisation Of Media Folder: 2..could be better..even though all the sheets are in the folder i feel i could sort it out better.
Oral Contributions: Gary's lessons..i contribute more..and laugh more too. In Adams if i know the answer i say it..I feel i contribute more than last year.
Standard Of Module 5 Blog: 1..I like my blog, i feel i have put a lot of time and effort into it, however, i could do more.
Standard Of Module 6 Blog: 1..its always up to date..and i usually get everything done. Its in order and clear.
b) Three Targets For Improvment:
>Make more time for my blog, so i can add stuff which i have found in my own time on it.
>Put more effort into the lessons.


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